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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-10
A Contrastive Analysis of Reported Speech in Chinese and American Mainstream Newspaper on Donald Trump’s State Visit to China-A Case Study of China Daily and The Washington Post
Qinqin ZHANG, Zhiquan Zhang
Published: Oct. 30, 2018 | 362 244
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i10.011
Pages: 1974-1984
Newspaper, a major media of information spreading, has gained increasing concern in recent years and influenced people’s cognition and value. Meanwhile, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is considered as an indispensable approach of analyzing news discourse to uncover language, power and hidden ideology. Based on CDA and Appraisal Theory, this paper intends to unveil Chinese and American mainstream newspaper’s different stances and ideologies hidden behind their reporting of Donald Trump's state visit to China by analyzing reported speech adopted in China Daily and The Washington Post from the perspective of quotation sources, reporting modes and reporting verbs. On the basis of both quantitative and qualitative analysis, this paper has yielded the following findings. To begin with, when reporting this great event, both the two newspapers emphasized the use of specific sources, which implied that the two newspapers commonly pursued objectivity and accuracy of reports.