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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-10
Drivers of Voter’s Preferences in Local Level Elections in Ghana: A Case Study of Ejisu Juabeng Municipality, since 2015
Matthew Boadie – Ampong, Ruby Amanda Oboro - Oferie, Sewodor Toklo
Published: Oct. 30, 2018 | 407 226
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i10.015
Pages: 2008-2014
The participation of citizens in governance is crucial to the development of every democratic society. Several scholars have worked on the various factors that influence voter preference in elections. However, only a few actually explore on the factors that influence voters’ choice of candidate in local elections. This research sought to establish the preponderate factor that influences the decision for voters to elect or kick out public officials at the local level. The study also explains the why question on the election of a candidate to a local public office. In achieving these objectives, the research applied theoretical contestations to build different understanding. It also used Ejisu Juaben Municipality in Ghana as the configurative case study. From the research analysis, it was realized that the leading factor in the local level election in Ghana since 2015 is within the justification framework of the rational choice model where priority is given to the examination of candidate’s policies by voters. It was further revealed that voters understand the concept of the social contract which gives them the constitutional backing to demand accountability when needed. Voters further use elections as an avenue to reward or punish public officeholders for their service at the district and constituency level. The study opined and encourage Assembly Members to commence taking members of their electoral areas serious by formulating sound and feasible policies since electorates are likely to vote for candidates who appreciate the public good.