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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-03
Comparison of HRCT with Lung Sonography in the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Edema & ILD
Sonam Verma, Amlendu Nagar, Pramod Sakhi, Kumud Julka, Sheetal Singh
Published: March 19, 2020 | 164 274
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2020.v08i03.027
Pages: 934-938
Introduction: Pulmonary Edema is defined as fluid accumulation in the lungs causing change in the normal balance between the air & fluid, create a reverberation phenomenon represented by multiple B-lines. Normal lung appears on Lung Sonography as "black". Pulmonary Edema on Lung Sonography appears as "black & white" or “white" lung, whereas on HRCT it appears as septal thickening & GGO’s. ILD is characterized by distortion of airways & interstitium, followed by fibrosis. ILD on Lung Sonography represented as multiple, bilateral B-lines due to pulmonary fibrosis. Whereas ILD on HRCT appears with septal thickening, GGO’s, traction bronchiectasis & honeycombing. Objective: To evaluate the significance of B-lines & compare the sensitivity of Lung Sonography & HRCT in the diagnosis of Pulmonary Edema & ILD. Methodology: In a retrospective case control study, 50 subjects diagnosed as Pulmonary Edema & ILD by HRCT were compared on Lung Sonography for evaluating the distance between B-lines. Results: The B7 lines correlated with Interlobular septal thickening, whereas B3 lines correlated with GGO’s on HRCT chest. Lung Sonography have 72% sensitivity and 46% diagnostic accuracy in ILD patient and Lung Sonography have 80% sensitivity and 54% diagnostic accuracy for pulmonary Edema as compare to HRCT. Conclusion: The sonographic features of Pulmonary Edema & ILD are characteristic, but non-specific. B-lines can be used as a bedside and alternative monitoring tool for Pulmonary Edema. Lung Sonography is an attractive & promising technique, which may become an important clinical tool to be integrated with HRCT and PFT in the screening & follow-up of Pulmonary Edema and ILD.