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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-11
Investigating the Major Factors that Affects the Promotion of West Gojjam Zone Amhara League Football Clubs to the Ethiopian National League
Dagnachew Nigeru Kebede, Shumetie Agonafer Babu, Kahainya Kumar Singh
Published: Nov. 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i11.018
Pages: 2161-2166
The rationale of this descriptive survey study aimed at investigating the major factors that affect the promotion of West Gojjam Zone Amhara League Football Clubs to the Ethiopian National League competition. Accordingly, the subjects of the study include Football Club players, coaches, technical committees, club owners, woreda /municipal sport office experts, referees, West Gojjam sport office experts, Amhara Football Federation (AFF), and Sport Journalist in Amhara Region. From 66 targets the population of West Gojjam Football Clubs 33 players was purposively selected from three Football Clubs. There were only 3 coaches in 3 clubs. Hence all the three coaches were selected as subjects and 1 from the Amhara Football Federation was taken purposefully. 3 former coaches and 6 former players (they were coaches and players of West Gojjam Amhara League Football Clubs in the year 2003 and 2004 E.C), 6 Technical committees, 3 Referees, 1 Sport Journalist of Amhara Region were taken through random sampling technique. In the process, observation, interview, questionnaire, focused group discussion, and document reviews were employed as a major data collection instrument used to investigate the issue. The questionnaire’s was piloted for reliability and validity.