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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-12
Is Democracy Liberationist? The Gospel According To Late Malam SA’ADU ZUNGUR (1914-1958)
Umar Muhammad Jabbi , Yahaya Idris
Published: Dec. 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i12.014
Pages: 2256-2262
Malam Sa’adu Zungur a poet, Media practitioner, a detribalised Nigerian and a progressive politician of ideas was a leading Pro-democracy activist among the Nigerian Nationalist. The democratic ideas he espoused throughout his political carreer right from his membership of the NCNC to his activities in the NEPU showed Sa’adu as a politician committed to the unity of the country as well as the establishment of Social justice. More particularly his poems of Arewa Jumhuriya ko Mulukiya (The north: Republic or Monarchy) and Jihadin Sawaba (struggle for Dignity and freedom) were a clear expression of his liberationist ideas. Though Sa’adu subscribes to the idea of continuity with indigenous Institutions but he insists that they need to be purged of undemocratic and anti-developmental beliefs and practices. The fight against Poverty, Illiteracy and Injustice are cornerstones in the struggle for the establishment of true democracy in the ideas of Malam Sa’adu. The paper intends to present a brief biography of Malam Sa’adu Zungur outlining his political struggles. The democratic ideals espoused by Sa’ad through his literary works will be discussed and his commitment and fearlessness in the pursuit of his beliefs and the establishment of a new social order for his immediate community and Nigeria at large will be highlighted.