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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-12
Zekiye Özkan, Ersin Arslan, Mehmet Baytaş
Zekiye Özkan, Ersin Arslan, Mehmet Baytaş
Published: Dec. 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i12.017
Pages: 2275-2278
In this study, the comparison between learning Maths symbols with the help of orienteering practise and classical teachıng method was studied.As a quasi-experimental model, the study was applied to 22 people, 11 of them as control and 11 of them as experimental group. The control and experimental groups were determined randomly in the same sample. The participants in the control group were given papers that had maths symbols with classical teaching method and were asked to study individually. The experimental group was asked to find the symbols written on 8X8 funnels with the help of the maps used for orienteering practise and write them on the edge of the map with an order. The students were asked to write the numbers and symbols that were placed on the targets in the stake orienteering practise on the given answer key for the orienteering racetrack most quickly and correctly. And meanwhile, this process was timed. After the study, the participants in both the experimental and the control group were assessed by means of a 10 question test as well as an interview.the findings obtained from the study were analysed with both quantitative and qualitative results. The quantitative part of the analyses was assessed with the SPSS programme. However, Mann Whitney U test was used for paired comparisons when the normality and homogeneity of the variances weren’t acquired. Amongst the qualitative research methods, the basic qualitative research method was used for qualitative data. The descriptive analyses method was used for analysing the qualitative data.