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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-11 | Issue-09
Staff Retention and Organizational Performance in Kasese District in Western Uganda
Byabashaija Deusdedit, Rwasheema Enos, Baluku Habert
Published: Sept. 25, 2023 | 329 207
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2023.v11i09.002
Pages: 247-252
The pragmatic study evaluated the association between Staff Retention and Organizational performance in Kasese District in Western Uganda. The inquiry study utilized a cross sectional survey research design with quantitative and qualitative mockups. A sample of 148 participants were carefully chosen from 240 individuals using a table developed by Morgan & Kreijcie (1970). Information was assembled by means of questionnaires and interview schedules. Data was appraised using frequencies, percentages, Pearson linear correlation coefficient (PLCC) for quantitative measurements and thematic analysis was engaged for organizing qualitative proof. The study verdicts came up with a significant relationship between Staff retention and Organizational Performance in Kasese District in Western Uganda. The project team concluded that Staff Retention is vital for increasing the productivity of an organization especially in local governments because it conventions with issues to do with stability of tenure of office. If the employees are well retained in an organization, they can be a source of motivation for socio-economic development of local governments at large. From the research project results, the academics recommended that Staff Retention in Kasese district sub-national government in Uganda should continuously put in place better conditions of work such as descent accommodation, free medical care, payment of overtime allowances and giving scholarships for those who want go for further studies. This can be done through putting in place operational committees to make sure that government policies on staff retention are well cherished and implemented. The government of Uganda should increase on the budget meant to facilitate staff retention function in Human Resource Department so that a big number of local government employees can be retained for effective service delivery in Kasese District local government.