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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-10 | Issue-09
Analysis of the Constraints Influencing Artisanal Fisheries along Shiroro and Kainji Dams, Nigeria
Alhassan Y.J, Umar S, Gona A, Jega I.S
Published: Sept. 26, 2023 | 332 377
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2023.v10i09.002
Pages: 121-129
This study analyzed the constraints influencing artisanal fisheries along Shiroro and Kainji dams, Nigeria. Questionnaire was used to collect data from 460 respondents. Multi-stage and proportionate sampling techniques were used in selecting the respondents. Descriptive statistical tools (frequency distribution, percentages, mean and ranking) were used for data analysis. The results of the study showed that majority of the respondents were male (82.2%) and were within the age (51.3%) bracket of 29-41years, indicating that respondents were middle aged fishers who fall within the active fishing age. Majority (87.0%) of the fishers were married with an average household size of 6 persons. The study found out that the constraints faced by the fishers to include high cost of fishing gear (72.8%) which is the most serious constraint, closely followed by lack of credit facilities (50.7%) and lack of modern equipment (50.2%). The findings on interventions received by the fisher’s shows that majority of the respondents (44.4%) received fishing gears, closely followed by improved market structures (37.6%) and provision of roads linking villages (37.2%). Findings on the strategies towards the development of artisanal fisheries reveal that (70.9%) fishers ranked 1st supported enhanced extension service delivery, (67.8%) respondents’ ranked 2nd suggested provision of credit facility and (55.4%) respondent’s ranked 3rd supported provision of processing facilities. Conclusively, the research showed that, fishing activity is an important livelihood activity in the lives of the fishers along the two dams. The constraints that faced the industry such as high cost of fishing gears, lack of credit facilities etc hindered full realization of the potentials of the industry. The study therefore, recommended that financial institutions should grant credit facilities to fishers and their educational level should be improved.