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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-04
Treatment Outcome of Patients with Large Gut Obstruction
Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam Sikder, Dr. Abu Taher Mean, Dr. Abdullah Al Mamun, Dr. Preete Ranjan Roy, Dr. Md. Abul Hosen
Published: April 22, 2020 | 270 136
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2020.v08i04.018
Pages: 1134-1138
Objective: In this study our main goal is to assess treatment outcome of patients with large gut obstruction. Method: This prospective study was done intotal 50 patients possessing the symptoms and signs of suspected large bowel obstruction irrespective of age and gender included in this study at different surgical units of Shaheed Ziaur Rahman medical college hospital, Bogra from May 2009 to April 2010. Results: Age of the patients ranged from 14-79 years. Among them maximum (28%) were in between 51-60 years and followed by 41-50 years (24%). It was shown that large gut obstruction is more common in older age group. Volvulus (46%) is the most common causes of large gut obstruction followed by malignancy (36%). Wound infection is most common complication, followed by stoma related and chest infection.17 patient (37.77%) left hospital within 7-10 days, 12 patients within 11-15 days and only 5 patients stayed more than 21 days in whom secondary suture were done. The mortality rate was 5 patients (10%) among 50 patients. Conclusion: A careful approach is required to avoid the increased morbidity and mortality associated with delay in the diagnosis of gangrenous obstruction. The single most antecedent of a grave prognosis is late presentation. Increasing the patient awareness will help to decrease the incidence of large gut obstruction significantly?