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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-11 | Issue-10
Comparative Floristic Analysis of the Classified Forest of Gorou Bassounga (Gaya) and the Total Wildlife Reserve of Tamou and their Conservation Values
Mounkaila Soumaila, Rabiou Habou, Morou Boube, Djima Idrissou Tahirou (IM), Mahamane Ali, Saadou Mahamane
Published: Oct. 7, 2023 | 328 206
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2023.v11i10.003
Pages: 338-345
The objective of this study is to make a comparative floral analysis of two sites (Classified forest of Gorou Bassounga and Tamou) and the conservation value for biodiversity of each site. The floristic survey of the vegetation has been done base on a random laminated plot of 1000 m². Sixthy four (64) species were inventoried at both sites level. 47 species, 37 kinds and 18 families were identified in Gorou Bassounga. Fabaceae constitutes the most important family with 16 species followed by Combretaceae 6 species and Rubiaceae 5. On the other hand, at Tamou 44 counted species are distributed in 31 kinds (genres) and 17 families. Fabaceae constitutes the most represented family with 11especies followed by Combretaceae 8 species, Rubiaceae and Anarcardiaceae with 4 species each. The statistical analysis of the data shows similarity and dissimilarités existing between sites spite of their floral poverty. Conclusion and application: The floral richness of Gorou Bassounga (Gaya) is higher than that of Tamou. The study also allowed to determine the status (dominance, rarity or endangered) of each species. The value of conservation for the sites was estimated. This study can be a tool for management planning for both site.