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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-11 | Issue-10
Seismic Analysis of the Soil Behavior and Titling of the Building
S. M. Tahmidur Rahman
Published: Oct. 10, 2023 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2023.v11i10.002
Pages: 239-260
The mechanism of this yielding and its behavior under seismic loading of soil are the primary focus of this investigation. Nonlinear analysis is taken into account to see the real behavior of soil. In order to analyze soil, we employ both its solid mass and its lumped mass. In this study, the Finite Element Model (FEM) forms the basis for the mathematical formulas. Soil analysis in the case of a lumped mass takes into account the soil's one DOF, two DOF, and multi DOF degrees of freedom. In order to determine soil characteristics for MDOF, a soil bore log must be employed. In the instance of MDOF, the soil is composed of 12 distinct layers. SAP 2000 is used to do linear and nonlinear analysis of time series for this research. According to the findings, solid and lumped soil mass displacements are almost identical. Therefore, it is possible to get insight into the behavior of soil mass during an earthquake by studying lumped soil mass. The soil's nonlinear behavior is investigated using a variety of linear completely plastic hysteretic loops. Soil characteristics are shown to be crucial in this regard. Inadequate soil stiffness may result in persistent deformation, which in turn can lead structures to lean out of alignment. It is also noted that near the soil's surface, amplification is greatest.