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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-11 | Issue-10
The Uncommon White Cerebellum Sign in Three Patients in Different Settings
Imane Kazouini, Mohamed Boussif, Btissam Zouita, Dounia Basraoui, Hicham Jalal
Published: Oct. 13, 2023 | 110 183
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2023.v11i10.021
Pages: 1802-1805
The white cerebellum sign is a rare, unusual but striking radiological sign encountered commonly in patients with severe and often irreversible anoxic-ischemic brain injury, usually due to extra-cranial causes. It is not frequently described and its pathophysiology is still controversial. Radiologically, it is characterized by cerebellar hyperdensity, associated with diffuse cerebral hemispheres hypoattenuation. Its identification by the radiologists is imperative as it is often associated with an unfavorable prognosis and poor outcome. In this paper, we report three cases of children with full clinical and imaging workup, in whom brain computed tomography (CT) scan revealed the white cerebellum sign. We discussed the relevance of this sign as it affects diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and equally reviewed the pertinent literatures.