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Ghana Alternative Medicine Journal | Volume-4 | Issue-04
Paracetamol in Premature Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)
A. Tbatou, C. Nasmi, A. Ayad, R. Abilkassem, A. Agadr
Published: Oct. 25, 2023 | 406 178
DOI: 10.36347/gamj.2023.v04i04.003
Pages: 133-134
Paracetamol appears to be a promising new alternative to indomethacin and ibuprofen for persistent ductus arteriosus closure, with potentially fewer adverse effects and, above all, lower cost. Further studies of this procedure with longer-term follow-up are needed before paracetamol can be recommended as a standard treatment for PCA in premature infants.