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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-11 | Issue-10
Root Causes of Violent Ethnic Conflicts and Prevention Measures in Rwenzori Region in Western Uganda
Kwikiriza Wilson, Nuwagaba Jonathan, Byabashaija Deusdedit
Published: Oct. 29, 2023 | 510 325
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2023.v11i10.005
Pages: 287-294
The scientific research study analyzed the different root causes of violent ethnic conflicts and preclusion measures to deter the escalation of these conflicts in Rwenzori region in Western Uganda. This research study was guided by the following objectives; to analyze root causes of ethnic conflicts and to identify preclusion measures for ethnic conflicts in Rwenzori Region. A cross sectional survey design was used to collect explanatory research opinions whereby qualitative data was collected using interviews schedules, observation checklists and documentary analysis. The sampling strategy used was purposive sampling because it helped the researcher garner vital information from essential persons who possessed relevant facts for the logical study. The target population of the study comprised of the local community, representatives from the Kingdom authorities, the Local council leaders, religious and cultural leaders of the kingdoms in the area of the study. The target population was 320 people and the sample size chosen was 89 participants which was reached at by use of a Table developed by Morgan & Krejcie (1970). Data analysis was analyzed using content and thematic analysis science. Keen attention was employed to acknowledge or minimize the effect of possible bias on the interviews and on the interpretation. The study findings revealed that violent ethnic conflicts in the region were associated with the desire for an autonomous territory, Ethnicity, Radicalism, Unequal distribution of resources, cultural differences, poor conflict management strategies and effect of rebel group insurgencies. The study concluded that it is the intolerance towards all views except one’s own, and the adoption of political selfishness which disregard accepted standards of conduct, including the life, liberty and the general human rights of the populace. The academics recommended that the government of Uganda should put in place preclusion measures such as equal distribution of ....