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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-10 | Issue-11
Biological Control of Hemileia vastatrix (Berk & Broome) using Lecanicillium spp in Coffee (Coffea arábica L) Cultivation
Santos David Romero, Trinidad Castillo-Arévalo
Published: Nov. 23, 2023 | 393 181
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2023.v10i11.003
Pages: 165-171
The objective of this research was to develop biological management options for coffee rust by evaluating native isolates of Lecanicillium spp. Under field conditions. The inoculum was obtained from hyper parasitized rust pustules and purified in potato dextrose agar culture medium and then massively multiplied for flooding applications in the field. Eight treatments were evaluated, six native isolates of Lecanicilium and two controls, one relative and one absolute. The trial was established in a randomized complete block experimental design with three replicates. The total area of the trial was 1 ha. Each subplot was of an approximate area of 100 m2 containing 200 plants, in which 25 plants were sampled per treatment, in each plant 2 bandolas were sampled. The applications and data collection were carried out every 15 days where the variables of rust incidence, parasitism of Lecanicillium spp on rust and rust pustules parasitized by Lecanicillium were quantified. Variables were analyzed using the statistical analysis program SAS version 9.1, other variables were analyzed using the statistical program Infostat Version 2016e. Data were analyzed according to the design used (BCA) by analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a significance level of p≤0.005 when applicable, separation of means was used by Tukey's test (p=0.05). All native isolates of Lecanicillium spp caused parasitism on uredospore’s achieving a decrease of the disease from45.87% to 18.41% in the evaluation period. The San Ramón isolate was the most promising for rust reduction during the 6 months of the study.