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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-6 | Issue-11
A Survey of Public Perceptions and Attitudes about Water and Water Quality of springs in Rural Area of Irhambi/Katana Sub-County, D.R. Congo
Bagalwa M, Buruku C, Safina BF, Cinyambiriri B, Basabose K
Published: Nov. 30, 2018 | 304 190
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2018.v06i11.003
Pages: 692-703
A survey of public attitudes was conducted to determine their perception and attitudes about drinking water and water quality in the Irhambi/Katana sub-county in DR Congo. The objectives of this study is to explore the perceptions and attitudes of public about drinking water and its association with water quality, disease outbreaks, water quantity and household characteristics. To achieve these objectives, a survey was carried out on 214 respondents who were selected based on purposive sampling. The survey questionnaire included 15 questions addressing water resource, water quality, and other environmental issues. Physicochemical analyzes allowed us to test qualitatively and determine quantitatively chemicals in different springs. These springs water in general are in the standards recommended by the WHO for drinking water. Eleven springs are infested by micro-organisms. The presence of E. coli in particular indicates that the springs are not protected against fecal pollution from the human and animals. Some springs used for drinking water in the Irhambi-Katana sub-county needs to be threat and protected for pollution by surrounding people and uses.