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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-6 | Issue-11
Indian Diabetic Risk Score-An Eye Opener among Medical Students
A. Jamuna Rani
Published: Nov. 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2018.v06i11.008
Pages: 732-734
According to IDF diabetic atlas 8th edition, south –East Asian region is the 2nd highest of all IDF regions. It was estimated that. It was estimated that by 2040, this will raise to 150 million 69.1 million adults are diabetic in India according to 2015 census. For every 11 persons 1 is diabetic. 1 child in every 6 births is affected by hyperglycemia in pregnancy. 2/3rd of people with diabetes is living in urban area and belongs to working age group. 1 in every 2 persons is undiagnosed. To motivate the youngsters to lead a healthy life style and create awareness about the risk of developing diabetes due to lifestyle modifications. Questionnaire based study among 100 medical students further evaluation of blood glucose levels among the high risk group. We have identified that the lack of exercise was the main risk factor among the study group. There is a lack of physical activity among medical students of the study group. The awareness study has helped them to realize the need for exercise and healthy diet to stay away from diabetes. We are planning for frequent motivations to help them prioritize health.