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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-6 | Issue-04
Industries like paper, pulp; food-processing and food restaurants and garages generate grease containing wastewaters for which there is no acceptable technology of pre-treatment. Most wastewater treatment technologies are known as being costly and not affordable by the municipalities and the small scale polluting industries. It is found that one of the effective methods of removal of toxic substances from soil and water using plants was developed which is known as phytoremediation. When land is
Nayaabanjum Ansarijulaya, Bhupesh Yagnik, Neelam Amit KungwaniA
Published: April 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2018.v06i04.007
Pages: 341-347
Industries like paper, pulp; food-processing and food restaurants and garages generate grease containing wastewaters for which there is no acceptable technology of pre-treatment. Most wastewater treatment technologies are known as being costly and not affordable by the municipalities and the small scale polluting industries. It is found that one of the effective methods of removal of toxic substances from soil and water using plants was developed which is known as phytoremediation. When land is available, phytoremediation is a promising and cost effective approach for domestic and industrial wastewater treatment. In the present work, aquatic plant Dracaena sanderiana (Lucky bamboo) used for the phytoremediation of grease in wastewater. Using microcosm approach, during remediation process grease wastewater was analyzed for parameters such as pH, color, turbidity, TSS, TDS, TS, fatty acid content and lipase activity. Significant change in color, pH, turbidity, TSS, TDS, TS and fatty acid content was observed. The current finding indicates promising use of Dracaena sanderiana for the phytoremediation of wastewater.