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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-6 | Issue-04
Study on the Effect of Genistein, a Soy Isoflavone in Insulin Tolerance in Albino Rat (Rattus albicans)
Borah AR, Choudhury K
Published: April 30, 2018 | 294 190
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2018.v06i04.012
Pages: 366-371
In the recent time, phytoestrogens have attracted much attention. Soy products which contain phytoestrogen genistein and diadzein are becoming increasingly popular in a wide range of food products including infant food. Different food substances tend to influence the blood glucose level through the insulin tolerance of the target cell. The effect of genistein, a soy-based isoflavone was studied on insulin tolerance in inbred albino rats of 03 months of age having an average weight of 110gm. Two different dosages of genistein viz 0.2mg/kgbw/day and 0.4mg/kgbw/day was administered in two different groups respectively. The present investigation reveals that insulin tolerance gradually decreases after administration of genistein.