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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-6 | Issue-05
Assessment of Services at Primary Health Centre’s (PHCS), of District Ganderbal, As per Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS)
Muzamil Hassan, Sheema Samreen, Ghulam Hassan Khatana, S.M.Salim Khan
Published: May 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2018.v06i05.008
Pages: 438-440
In India, Bhore Committee gave the idea of the Primary Health Care. Primary Health Care is a holistic approach to deliver comprehensive health care to the community. The Primary Health Centre’s are the first level of contact between community and health professionals. In order to improve the services provided by the Primary Health Centre’s (PHCs) NRHM laid standards known as Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS) in 2005 which were then revised in 2012.This cross –sectional study was done in district Ganderbal of Jammu and Kashmir to assess the services provided by Primary Health Centre as per the IPHS 2012.The data was collected in four randomly selected PHCs of Ganderbal using a semi structured questionnaire. All Primary Health Centre’s were providing outpatient (OPD), Inpatient (IPD) and Referral services however, only 50% were giving emergency services. Antenatal, postnatal, child care, immunization and family planning services were available at all PHC’s. However 24 hour delivery facility was available at only 50% of PHCs and Low Birth Weight babies were managed only in 25 % PHCs. ECG, X-ray and USG facilities were only available at 25% of PHCs. The services at the Primary Health Centre’s should be made available and checked regularly as per IPHS standards so that the quality care is provided at the grass root level.