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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-6 | Issue-05
Utility of Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytology - Five Year Experience in a Tertiary Cancer Centre
Sangeetha K Nayanar, MD, Manjusha P, MDS, Sajith Babu TV; MS (ENT)
Published: May 30, 2018 | 281 203
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2018.v06i05.009
Pages: 441-445
The Bethesda system for reporting Thyroid Cytology (TBSRTC) is useful and reproducible classification system for nomenclature and risk stratification in thyroid lesions. This was the first consensus, systematic approach to Thyroid cytology which resulted in a uniform reporting format easy to be conveyed to the clinician. The aim of the study was to evaluate the utility of Bethesda system and the main objectives were to assess the incidence of the six Bethesda categories and to evaluate the concordance of FNAC reports with histopathology wherever available. This study analysed 403 cases of thyroid cytology for which FNAC was done in our centre during the five year period January 2012-December 2016 and categorised them into the six-tier Bethesda categories. The six categories were as follows Non-diagnostic or unsatisfactory, Benign, Atypia of undetermined significance /follicular lesion of undetermined significance (AUS/FLUS), Follicular neoplasm or suspicious for follicular neoplasm, Suspicious for malignant and Malignant. A cytologic-histologic concordance was done wherever available. More than half the cases were benign (56%). Around 11% were non-satisfactory. The rate of malignancy was 14%. The most common malignancy was Papillary carcinoma. There was a slightly higher incidence of Anaplastic carcinoma in our series. The percentage of cases in the six categories was matching with the reported studies in literature. We noted that there was no overutilization of AUS/FLUS (category III) in our centre.