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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-6 | Issue-07
A Study of Knowledge of Contraceptive Use among Adolescent Girls in Reproductive Age Group in Rural Community
Dr. Valekar SS, Dr. Pandve HT, Dr. Chawla PS, Dr. Fernandez K, Mrs. Kalra KG
Published: July 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2018.v06i07.002
Pages: 480-484
Today every fifth person in India is an adolescent. One in every ten child birth belongs to adolescent mother and one in every ten legal abortions happens to adolescent pregnancy. 31% of the girls aged between 15 to 19 years are married in India. Early childbearing is associated with serious health problems to their mother and offspring. Knowledge about contraceptive use plays crucial role in addressing this health issues. To study the knowledge of contraceptive methods among adolescent girls in reproductive age group. To assess some socio-demographic determinants of contraceptive knowledge in adolescent girls in reproductive age group in rural community. A Cross-sectional survey was conducted in PHC of Pune district, Maharashtra during Jan 2012 to Dec 2012. 116 adolescent girls in reproductive age group were surveyed from a village in PHC. Simple random sampling method was used to select a village among 35 villages in PHC. Informed consent was taken and pre-designed questionnaire was used. Out of 116 study subjects, 75% were aware about any contraceptive method. Female sterilization was most commonly known method. Most common source of information was media 53% followed by family members 48%. Age of study subjects (p<0.001), Marital status (p<0.001), literacy status (p<0.001), type of family (p<0.001), Socio-economic status (p=0.33) have shown the influence on knowledge of contraceptive methods. The present study found out that the knowledge of contraceptive use is 75% in the study area among study subjects and the knowledge of contraceptive methods depends on various socio-demographic variables.