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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-6 | Issue-12
A Three Generational Feeding Study of Genetically Modified Cottonseeds on Biochemical and Histological Parameters of Kidney in Albino Rats
Megha Kansal, Gurinder Kaur Sangha
Published: Dec. 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2018.v06i12.005
Pages: 766-772
Genetically modified (GM) process in relation to the consumption was known to be highly mutagenic and a debate is ongoing regarding its acceptance in market. The present study was designed to evaluate the impact of feeding a line of genetically modified cotton seeds (Bt cotton seeds) to that of standard diet and reference diet (Non-Bt cotton seeds) on kidney in albino rats. Non-Bt and Bt cotton seeds were incorporated into the diets of the albino rats at a concentration of 20% continuously for three generations. Light microscopic observation of the kidney sections of cotton seeds fed female and male rats showed some variable histopathological changes. Kidney sections showed increase in the diameter of bowman’s capsules which may be due to invagination of fatty globules, diffused hyaline and changes in the proximal convoluted tubules which consisted of cytoplasmic vacuolation in Bt treated male and female rats. The effect of Bt cotton seeds on kidney was more in evident in female rats as compared to male rats in all the three generations. A statistically significant increase in the glomerular diameter was observed in cotton seeds fed rats. Amount of uric acid in plasma was statistically higher in Bt fed female and male rats. The studies reviewed showed although no threat on the metabolism of the male and female rats throughout three generations.