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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-6 | Issue-08
Dual Complication in a Single Ovarian Cyst – Torsion and Massive Hemorrhage - Rare Presentation
Khan Dina Aisha, Sharma Nalini, , Jethani Roma, Chanu SM , Jaya Mishra
Published: Aug. 30, 2018 | 333 213
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2018.v06i08.006
Pages: 594-597
Ovarian cyst is a common gynecological entity in women of reproductive age group. It may be a neoplastic or benign enlargement of ovary. Here we present a case of 23 year old unmarried nulliparous girl presenting with acute pain lower abdomen with increase in size of abdominal mass for last 3 days. She gave history of abdominal mass for the past 3 months which increased suddenly to a size of 28 weeks size adding to diagnostic dilemma. Her vitals were stable but pallor was present. On ultrasonography diagnosis of right adnexal complex cyst with torsion was made. Patient after being transfused 2 packed blood cells was prepared for explorative laparotomy. Introperatively, torsion (3 twist) of hemorrhagic cyst of 15*15 cm was noted. Right sided adnexectomy was done. Postoperatively patient recovered well and her biopsy revealed hemorrhagic infarction of the cyst wall with residual ovarian tissue.