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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-4 | Issue-06
Epidemiology of Gallstone Disease: A Prospective Study of 50 Cases
Dr. Hardeep Singh Gill, Dr. Gurmanpreet
Published: June 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2016.v04i06.009
Pages: 502-506
Biliary diseases have been recognised since ancient times. The incidence of gallbladder disease is influenced by age, sex, and variety of cultural, ethnic and medical factors. Aim of this study was to study the epidemiology of gallstone disease in the patients presenting in surgery department. The present study included 50 patients admitted in the department of general surgery with diagnosis of cholelithiasis. A detailed history of the disease, symptoms & signs including history of economic status and menopausal history in females was recorded. Routine bedside tests, biochemical and radiological investigations were carried out. Details of the operative findings were recorded. The maximum number of cases (32%) was reported between 30-40 years of age. It was concluded that in the present study, the incidence of gallbladder disease was more common in the females. The incidence of jaundice was found to be equal in both sexes. Parity has definite relation to the incidence of biliary tract disease. Biliary tract disease was twice as common in premenopausal females. The biliary disease was more common in sedentary workers and middle/ upper class patients. The gallbladder disease was more common in sthenic and obese patients. Pain was the predominant symptom in 98% followed by dyspepsia, vomiting, fever and jaundice. 12% of the patients were jaundiced with deranged liver functions. 32% of patients with biliary tract disease had associated disease like diabetes, hypertension etc.