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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-4 | Issue-07
Eco-toxicological studies of a pulse crop (Vigna radaita, L.) with lead stress.
G. Samantra, G. Sabat, L. Patra, R. Padhy, BK Mohanty, M. Mahapatra
Published: July 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2016.v04i07.008
Pages: 595-600
In the present study, the ecotoxicological effects of Lead nitrate is evaluated taking a locally cultivated pulse crop Vigna mungo L. The effective concentration of the toxicant was determined taking in to consideration the emergence of shoot. LC50 was found out to be about 380 mg/l. The germination data showed that there is direct impact of concentration of lead nitrate on the germination of seeds. Root & shoot growth of seedlings was worst effected with exposure to lead nitrate. Roots are more affected then the Shoot Morphologically they look different from normal roots by their colour and shape. Effect of different concentration of lead nitrate was visible in different pigment concentration of leaves. With increase in the concentration of the toxicant expose to the seeds there were decline in chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b total chlorophyll, carotenoid and phaeophytin content of leaves. This was a clear indication of fall in the growth rate of the plant, as a fall in the pigment content had direct impact on photosynthesis. There was increase in the amino acid contents of roots and shoots with increase in the concentration of the toxicant. The impact of lead nitrate to soluble sugar in seedlings showed a decrease within increase on the concentration of lead nitrate. It was found out that there was increase in the DNA content of root and shoot tissues percentage change of DNA content shoot tissue was marginally high to that of the control it was bit higher in the root tissues. The percentage change in the RNA content of both the tissues showed an increasing trend. The change in the protein content of root and shoot tissue showed an increasing trend was seen in both the tissue expose to the toxicant.