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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-7 | Issue-01
Efficacy of Troxerutin, Achillea, Ruscus and Psyllium on Hemorrhoidal Disease
Alp Yildiz, Engin Kucukdiler, Ilkin Ismayilov, Mahir Nasirov, Aybala Yildiz
Published: Jan. 10, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2019.v07i01.001
Pages: 1-3
Introduction: Hemorrhoid continues to be a serious problem, particularly in developed and developing countries, in which no-fibre diets are common. In this study, the aim was to compare the efficacy of conventional venotonic-venoprotector agents (VVA) with an agent, which was the combination of troxerutin, ruscus, achillea, and psyllium (TRAP). Patients and methods: A total of 94 patients with Grade 3 hemorrhoid were included in this study. Group-1: Patients receiving TRAP alone (46). Group-2: Patients receiving VVA treatment (48). Subjective evaluations by the patients were performed on the follow-up visit in the third week after the treatment, consisting of an evaluation of the quality of life and symptom improvement. The data were analysed with the Chi-square and student t-tests, using the SPSS 17 program. Results: There was a statistically significant difference between Group 1 and Group 2, in regards to the patient requirements for adjunctive medications (p<0.01). No significant differences were found in the quality of life and symptom improvement between the groups after giving adjuvant treatment in Group 2 (p=0.2457 for both parameters). However, the improvement specifically in the symptom of "anal pruritus" was significantly different in favour of Group 1 compared to Group 2 (p <0.01). Discussion: Vasoprotective agents have been used safely in the treatment of hemorrhoid for decades. However, the dietary habits and the lifestyle in modern life, especially when combined with low-fibre diet and chronic constipation unresponsive to the treatment. The results of this study showed that the TRAP combination had a similar effect to that of the constrictive vasoprotective agents in the resolution of the haemorrhoid bulges, however, it demonstrated a superiority to the conventional vasoactive agents in the prevention of chronic constipation. We are of the opinion that the TRAP combination is a highly promising agent in hemorrhoid and larger-scale studies are require