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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-7 | Issue-03
Allelopathic Effect of Asparagus officinalis Extracts on the Growth of Chlorella vulgaris
Hanan. M. Abobaker, Hamida EL. Elsalhin
Published: March 30, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2019.v07i03.004
Pages: 131-135
In laboratory study was evaluated the allelopathic effect of Asparagus officinalis organs (shoot, tubers and roots) aqueous extracts on growth of Chlorella vulgaris. In this study were assessed A. officinalis organs cold aqueous extract at different concentrations (25, 50, 75 and 100%). The results suggested that A. officinalis shoot, tubers and roots cold aqueous extract appeared to have allelopathic effect on the C. vulgaris compared to untreated control. The growth of C. vulgaris was significantly reduced gradually with the increase of aqueous extract concentration levels. However the reduction was varied and could be parts of the A. officinalis and extract concentration dependent. All A. officinalis organs extracts had different degrees of allelopathic effect against the tested algae, the highest allelopathic activity was recorded for tubers extract at concentration 75 and 100% followed by the roots extract at 75 % whereas, the lowest allelopathic activity was achieved for shoot extract. Extensive studies should be undertaken for the ethanolic extract of A. officinalis organs as a strong allelopathic activity against green algae.