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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-7 | Issue-03
Investigation of TLR4 Gene Expression in Prostate Tumor Tissues
Kareem Hamed Ghali, Asyad Abdul-Abbas Hussein, Faris Lutfi Nussrat
Published: March 30, 2019 | 306 206
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2019.v07i03.006
Pages: 141-146
TLR4 is expressed on normal and malignant prostate epithelial cells. TLR4 activation signaling in prostate cells initiates innate immune responses to invading pathogens. However, long-term activation of TLR4 cell signaling pathway in prostate epithelial cells may promote tumor cell activation, proliferation, survival, and tumor transformation. Current study was involved 16 samples from prostate cancer tissues and 25 samples from prostate benign tumor tissues, compared with eight free cancer samples tissues as control group. For isolation total RNA from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples, total RNA of all samples was extracted using the AccuZol reagent. Total RNA was reversely transcribed to complementary DNA (cDNA). Synthesized cDNA was immediately used as a template for real-time PCR. Our results showed that the TLR4 expression in prostate cancer cases higher than prostate benign hyperplasia tissues, while cancer tissues and benign tissues showed higher TLR4 expression than control group. The folding of TLR4 gene expression showed 2.21 folds in prostate cancer tissues, while the TLR4 expression in benign hyperplasia tissues showed 1.33 fold. We concluded that the over expression of TLR4 in prostate cancer may be due to the chronic inflammation in prostate cancer patients.