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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-7 | Issue-08
The Challenges of Water Pollution on Human: A Case Study of Udei Community in Guma Local Government Area of Benue State
Adolphus O.O, Braide W, Umeh S.I, Oguoma O.I and Orayima, P.T
Published: Aug. 25, 2019 | 293 191
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2019.v07i08.002
Pages: 324-329
Water is a universal solvent which serves diverse purposes. Its availability and purity is a sine qua non to healthy growth and living of plants, animals and humans. A research into the challenges of water supply and pollution on humans in Udei, Guma local government area of Benue State was investigated. Structured questioners was administered to address pertinent issues such as age, sex, occupation , religion, educational background, waste disposal methods, source and assess to potable water, water storage facilities, incidence of health challenges associated to water pollution, awareness to the dangers of water. Reports from the respondents to the questioner’s shows that what obtains at Udei community does not conform to WHO standard and international best practices advocated by other monitoring agencies in terms of water quality and distribution. Simple statistical tools proved significant difference in all the instruments and parameters used in the analysis. 94% confirms the absence of water board in the local government area, whereas 83% claimed not having assess to portable water in the community. Sixty eight percent (68%) of the respondents are not aware of the dangers posed by water pollution. It is often noted in most communities within and outside of Benue State that water pollution controlling factor like, waste products from agricultural; careful handling of industrial waste including particles from rice meal, effective erosion control could help to reduce the dangers of water contamination which may result into the outbreak of water borne diseases in the light of these findings. Prompt and adequate measures is therefore recommended to improve the supply and distribution of portable water to Udei and its neigbouring communities to avert large scale outbreak of water borne diseases. In addition adequate treatment of all wastes water generated from agricultural, domestic and industrial activities is strongly advocated while the government and monitoring a