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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-7 | Issue-12
Study of Some Rice Field Weeds and Their Effective Control Measures in District Uttarkashi (U.K), India
Dr. Sanjeev Lal, Dr. Mahendra Pal Singh Pramar, Vipin Shah & Deepak Kumar Singh
Published: Dec. 26, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2019.v07i12.009
Pages: 517-523
The mean of this assessment was to investigate the major weeds of rice field crops & their effective control measures such as cultural practice, manual weeding, biological practice, mechanical weeding practice, physical practice, preventive weed control & chemical control measures were studied. The study was based on extensive & intensive fields surveys made during the different months of rainy season since 2018 till to 2019. During this period the authors have observed a total of twelve (12) weed species from the rice fields. Rice is an important food crops extensively grown in India. Several factors are responsible for the reducing the rice crop yields. The weed infestation is the major threat to the productivity of rice crop; because weed has the high adaptability & faster growth dominate the crop habitat & reduce the yield potential. These weeds could be controlled through the different control measures. The manual method is very common, but cost intensive. Therefore, presently there is a need to use such control measures in the rice fields & to control the complex weed flora and the uses of these control measures increases the range of weed control, save time & increase the production of rice crops.