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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-12 | Issue-12
Assessment of Prescription Pattern in Patients Receiving Chemotherapy for Lung Cancer
Dr. Joshy George Zachariah, Dr. Geetha Jayaprakash, Dr. Suchitra, Dr. Glory Susan Zachariah, Dr. Chandrani Das
Published: Dec. 9, 2023 | 522 244
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2023.v12i12.002
Pages: 261-270
Lung cancer develops when lung cells divide rapidly, which leads to the growth of tumors. It is the most prevalent cancer and the major factor in men's cancer-related mortality. The goal of the study is to assess prescription pattern in patients receiving chemotherapy for lung cancer. A study on prescription pattern will help in optimizing the anti-malignancy therapy with improved efficacy & minimal toxicity. This study assesses prescription pattern in patients receiving chemotherapy for lung cancer. This was a prospective observational study carried out in the Out-patient Department of Oncology in tertiary care teaching hospital, Bengaluru. A total of 37 samples were collected, of which 31 were selected for the study. Subjects for the study were identified by the investigator during ward rounds based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Relevant data collected were recorded on the Self-designed data collection form. All recorded data were entered and analyzed using MS Excel. Descriptive statistics were computed for quantitative variables. The majority of the subjects involved in the study were prescribed with Carboplatin. Carboplatin with Pemetrexed Disodium was the most preferred combination therapy. In the present study, we have concluded that the oncologists in this hospital prefer Cytotoxic and Targeted drugs over Hormonal drugs for the treatment of lung cancer.