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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-12 | Issue-12
Prescription Pattern of Antiepileptic Drugs in Different Types of Seizure Disorder in Children
Dr. Ann Rose Joseph, Dr. Geetha Jayaprakash, Dr. Udayakumar
Published: Dec. 20, 2023 | 257 146
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2023.v12i12.006
Pages: 287-295
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent episodes of sensory disturbance, loss of consciousness, or convulsions, associated with abnormal electrical activity in the brain. The incidence of epilepsy is highest during childhood, especially for children aged 0 - 14 years. The goal of the study is find out the prescribing pattern of antiepileptic drugs in different types of seizure disorder in children. An educational observational study was carried out among 55 samples in the In-patient Department of Pediatrics, in a tertiary care teaching hospital, Bangalore. The data was collected by using self-designed data collection form. All information’s were processed and analyzed by using Microsoft excel. In the present study, breakthrough seizures was the most commonly observed type of seizure followed by simple febrile seizure. The most commonly prescribed antiepileptic drug was levetiracetam, followed by clobazam in monotherapy. Majority of the patients were prescribed with monotherapy followed by dual therapy. Levetiracetam + Clobazam, Levetiracetam + Sodium valproate and Levetiracetam + Phenytoin was the most preferred combination. Drug use pattern of Antiepileptic Drugs was described based on WHO prescription indicators, which shows out of 55 sample size, average number of drugs per encounter was 0.5, 44% of injections were encountered, antibiotics prescribed were 0%, drug prescribed based on generic name were 54% and 93% of drug was encountered based on essential drug list. Antiepileptic prescribing in this study population was only 56% in accordance to the ILAE treatment guidelines for epilepsy.