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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-12 | Issue-12
Assessment of Patient Related Factors Associated with Medication Adherence in type II Diabetes Mellitus
Dr. Namitha S, Dr. Vaishnavi Prasannan
Published: Dec. 20, 2023 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2023.v12i12.007
Pages: 296-306
Poor and insufficient glycaemia management in people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is a major public health issue that hastens the onset of diabetes related complications. Poor medication adherence among type2 diabetes mellitus patients is associated with inadequate glycaemia control, increased hospitalization, increase the risk of complications, increased mortality and morbidity. The main objectives of the study was to assess patient related factors associated with medication adherence and assess knowledge about diabetes and related complications among type II diabetes mellitus patients visiting an out-patient clinic, Bangalore. Data was entered and analyzed by using Microsoft excel and SPSS 22 version 29.0. It was found that, mean age of the study subjects was 49.89 years, majority of the subjects were male, of the respondents 30 (51.7%), 19 (32.75%) and 9 (15.5%) had good, average and poor level of diabetic knowledge respectively. 34 (59%) and 24 (41%) were adherent and non-adherent respectively. In this study, factors like male gender, having higher income, high socio-economic levels, following diabetic diet, maintaining physical activity on a regular basis, good knowledge about the disease and having stronger beliefs about medicines and their use were highly adherent to anti-diabetic medications indicating high medication adherence levels. Healthcare professionals such as pharmacists should implement effective health education interventions required to improve diabetes knowledge and beliefs regarding the disease and medications for better management of the disease which thereby results in improved quality of life, in addition medication compliance ensures a strategic diabetic management and therapeutic outcome.