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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-06
To Evaluate the Prevalence and Risk Factors of Dry Eye Disease in a Hospital based Population in Central India
Dr. Sonalee Mittal, Dr. Dinesh Mittal
Published: June 18, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2020.v08i06.014
Pages: 1456-1466
Aim: The Aim of this Study was to find out the Prevalence of Dry Eye and Evaluate Personal and Environmental Risk Factors attributable to Dry Eye in a Hospital-based population of Central India. Materials and Methods: In this Cross-Sectional Study, 1450 patients above 20 years of age were screened for Dry Eye. Ocular Surface Disease Index Questionnaire (OSDI), Schirmer’s Test, Tear Film Breakup Time (TBUT) and Fluorescein and Lissamine Vital Staining were used to diagnose Dry Eye. Patient Demographics including Age, Sex, Smoking, Occupation and Working Environment were recorded. Correlation of Dry Eye symptoms with Signs and TBUT and Schirmer’s tests was assessed. An OSDI score of 22 or more with a TBUT of less than 10 s or Schirmer’s test reading of less than 10 mm was considered Diagnostic of Definite DED. Descriptive and analytical statistics were performed. In all comparisons, P value less than 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: Dry eye disease prevalence was 30% (435 patients) in the 1450 patients. DED was significantly more prevalent in patients 20 to 40 years old. An OSDI score more than 22 was found in 50% (725 patients), TBUT less than 10 s in 44% (638 patients), and Schirmer’s test score less than 10mm in 24% (348 patients). DED symptoms are significantly associated with Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, Previous Refractive Surgery, Previous Cataract Surgery, Ocular Allergy, Pterygium and Diabetes. Conclusion: The prevalence of DED is 30%. Video Display Terminals use, Smoking, and Contact Lens use were associated with increased risk of developing DED. Dry eye is a leading cause of ocular discomfort in OPD patients. Excessive exposure to wind, sunlight, high temperature, and air pollution was significantly related to Dry Eyes. There was a significant correlation between patient’s history, symptoms, dry eye signs and objective tests for tear film. The rural people and those with outdoor occupation are more exposed to extraneous.........