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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-11 | Issue-12
Pay Differentials and Employee Performance in Mitooma District in Western Uganda
Byabashaija Deusdedit, Rwasheema Enos, Mubehamwe Janan
Published: Dec. 20, 2023 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2023.v11i12.002
Pages: 336-340
The coherent study evaluated the influence of Pay Differentials on Employee Performance in Mitooma District in Western Uganda. The inquiry study employed an assessment correlational and descriptive research approach with a quantitative viewpoint model. A sample of 385 participants were carefully chosen from 1058 individuals using a table advanced by Morgan & Kreijcie (1970). Data was garnered by means of questionnaires to compose an opinion survey. The scholar gathered information from the arena using simple random sampling and stratified random sampling tactics. Data was appraised using Descriptive statistics such as Means, Standard Deviation and Inferential Statistics such as Pearson linear correlation coefficient (PLCC) for quantitative magnitudes. The study outcomes came up with a significant association between Pay Differentials and Employee Performance in Mitooma District in Western Uganda. The research project concluded that Pay differential is an important concept in the HR world as it helps to ensure that employees are being fairly compensated for their work. Pay differential is a form of pay compensation that is used to recognize the differences in skill and knowledge levels, experience, and other factors that may affect the value of an employee's work. It is used to reward employees for their higher levels of knowledge, skill, experience, and other factors that may make them more valuable to the organization. From the research hard work findings, the academic expert recommended that Government of Uganda should augment on the budget meant to pay salaries of its workers and that people with similar qualifications, doing similar jobs should be paid the same amount of money in terms of salary or salary scales. This can be an impetus for better performance in Government Agencies, Departments and Ministries. It can be observed that such a scenario may expendite the process of growth and development in the country at large.