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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-01
Counter-season agriculture to challenges of climatic risks of tropical Africa countries: case of the varieties of béré-béré in the sahelo-soudanian in chad
Ndoutorlengar Médard, Djangrang Man-Na, Ali Mahamat Zougoulo
Published: Jan. 30, 2016 | 249 158
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2016.v03i01.001
Pages: 1-8
Saharo-sahelian country, Chad constitutes a door of entry of the desert which threatens central Africa. With a speed of 2.9 km/year of extent, the latter affects, in all connections, the environment. It follows a weakness of output of the pastoral and especially agricultural activities which are dependent on the quantity of the rainfall and the quality of the grounds. Objective: This article, with the assistance of the cartography, wants to be a tool of decision-making aid through the spatialization of the ground with potentiality of counter-season agriculture below the 12° of latitude N Method: The step which enabled us to accomplish this work consists in crossing the satellite images with the old topographic charts in order to put forward the zones favorable to off-season agriculture by grounds, products and their cycle. Chad has many zones of retention of water favorable to counter-season agriculture. Some are related to the rivers and others are natural basins of recovery.