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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-01
A study on the effects of different irrigation methods and Fertilizer regimes on groundnut (Arachis hypogea var. cabri)
Mungla Gireshsingh, Chooneea Mahindra
Published: Jan. 30, 2016 | 256 156
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2016.v03i01.002
Pages: 9-19
An experimental trial was carried out at the University of Mauritius Farm to assess the growth and yield of groundnut (Arachis hypogea var. cabri) subjected to different irrigation methods and N:P:Kfertilizer regimes. The leguminous crops were irrigated using drip and micro-sprinkler irrigation systems while the control treatment was performed under rain-fed conditions. The plants were also fertilized with 16:22:22 N:P:Kfertilizer at rates 0, 120, 240, 360 kg/ha over a four-month crop cycle. The experiment was conducted on a low humiclatosol soil with a silt loam texture having pH 6.73 and electrical conductivity 0.388 mS/cm. The main treatment was based on the different irrigation methods which were monitored using a tensiometer and the sub treatments were fertilizer regimes randomly applied at mentioned doses. Statistical analysis revealed an increasing yield of groundnut with increasing doses of N:P:K fertilizer application of 0-360 kg/ha , ranging from 1573 kg/ha to 3837 kg/ha for drip irrigation treatment, 1006 kg/ha to 2768 kg/ha when irrigated using sprinkler system and 0 kg/ha to 126 kg/ha under rainfed conditions. Limited water availability under rain fed condition led to a water deficit condition whereby a decrease in germination rate, plant height, leaf area, leaf number were noted and hence yield declined (126 kg/ha). Although treatments using micro-sprinkler irrigation produced lower yield compared to drip system, the study showed that the kernel and pod sizes of groundnuts were greater than those under drip irrigation system. Hence, considering water scarcity for agricultural use and environmental impacts of fertilizer overuse, the most efficient irrigation system as well as the optimum fertilizer regime must be considered.