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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-01
Pre and post partum prolapse in a crossbred Jersey cow: A case report
Kumar Umesh, Lakde C.K, Patil M.S, Sahatpure S.K, Gawande A.P
Published: Jan. 30, 2016 | 262 151
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2016.v03i01.009
Pages: 48-50
A pluriparous crossbred Jersey cow, in its advance stage of gestation (8 months) was presented with severe straining and some part of vagina and cervix was exposed outside the perineum. The cow was having same complications in her previous two gestations. The cow was treated with intravenous calcium borogluconate injection 500 ml slowly and D10% followed by parental antibiotic oxytetracycline (60 ml) and chlorpheniramine maleate (10 mg/ml). The prolapsed mass was pushed back after washing with KMNO4 and was set in proper place in the pelvic cavity. As the cow was having frequent recurrence of pre partum prolapse, two days after; the delivery was done through caesarean section. Even after delivery the cow was straining severely and uterus was everted and prolapsed out of vulva. The straining could not cease and the animal went in lateral recumbency and finally died. Thus, it was confirmed that pre and post cervio-vaginal prolapse in the same cow is serious and fatal condition.