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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-06
Association between Carcinoembryonic Antigen, Carbohydrate Antigen 19-9 and Body Mass Index in Colorectal Cancer Patients
Md. Salimullah Akand, A. Z. M. Mostaque Hossain, Md. Mohiuddin Aslam
Published: June 21, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2020.v08i06.021
Pages: 1497-1501
Background: Carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9) and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) have been well recognized as tumor markers for colorectal cancer. Previous studies suggested that body mass index is inversely associated with the screening of CEA and CA19-9 levels and may reduce screening sensitivity. Objective: To assess the relation between CEA & CA 19-9 level and body mass index in colorectal carcinoma. Methods: A Prospective Observational Study was carried out at Department of Surgery, Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) from January, 2016 to December, 2016 (12 months). Cases were purposively selected according to inclusion criteria. Patients are divided group of on the basis of values of CEA level < 7 ng/dl and ≥ 7 ng/ml, CA 19-9 <37 ng/ml and ≥37 ng/ml. Body mass index divided three groups which are <18.5, 18.5-24.0 and >24 kg/m2. The quantitative observations were indicated by frequencies and percentages. P values <0.05 were considered as statistically significant. Results: Total 50 cases majority patients belonged to age 41-50 years in both groups (CEA <7 ng/ml and ≥7 ng/ml). The mean age was found 42.5±11.3 years in CEA (<7 ng/ml) group and 40.7±12.1 years in CEA (≥7 ng/ml) group. Male was found 15 (40.5%) in CEA (<7 ng/ml) group and 06 (46.2%) in CEA (≥7 ng/ml) group. Regarding histological type of the patients that tubular adenocarcinoma was 27 (73.0%) in CEA (<7 ng/ml) group and 10 (76.9%) in CEA (≥7 ng/ml) group. Majority patients had tumor size ≤5 cm in both groups, which was 23 (62.2%) in CEA (<7 ng/ml) group and 07 (53.8%) in CEA (≥7 ng/ml) group. Colon tumor was 16 (43.2%) in CEA (<7 ng/ml) group and 07 (53.8%) in CEA (≥7 ng/ml) group. Peritoneal metastasis was 04 (2.7%) in CEA (<7 ng/ml) group and 03 (23.1%) in CEA (≥7 ng/ml) group. Liver metastasis was 02 (5.4%) in CEA (<7 ng/ml) group and 02 (15.4%) in CEA (≥7 ng/ml) group. Regarding TNM staging of the patients CEA (<7 ng/ml) group majority 19 (51.4%) patients had TNM stage II and ..............