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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-02
Knowledge and Perceptions of Sheep Owners and Herders on Peste Des Petits Ruminants in North Kordofan and Kassala States, the Sudan
Yassir Adam Shuaib, Abdelhamid Ahmed Mohamed El-Fadil, Mahasin Elnur Abdel-Rahman, Haileleul Negussie, Mohamed Abdelsallam Abdalla, Karl-Hans Zessin
Published: Feb. 28, 2016 | 262 176
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2016.v03i02.011
Pages: 126-139
A cross-sectional survey was conducted from April to July 2011 to study the knowledge and perceptions of sheep owners and herders and veterinarians on peste des petits ruminants in North Kordofan and Kassala States of the Sudan, using semi-structured questionnaires. A total number of 69 questionnaires were administered to and discussed with (39) sheep owners and herders and (30) veterinarians. Sheep pox was ranked as the most economically important disease of sheep by owners and herders but veterinarians indicated that PPR was the most important. Nearly two-thirds of the owners/herders claimed that they know the clinical symptoms of PPR and mentioned lacrimation, stomatitis, coughing and respiratory distress for example. Furthermore, owners/herders incriminated introduction of new animal(s) as the source of PPR outbreaks. Deaths and loss of market value, in addition to treatment burden, abortion and sub-fertility as well as loss of weight and loss of milk were listed as major negative effects of PPR. On the other hand, veterinarians indicated that ignorance of animal owners, not wanting to vaccinate and not being aware of the vaccine benefits as principal problems hinder implementing disease control programs in their localities. Making vaccines available and enforcing routine vaccination, promotion of extension and public education and construction of equipped laboratories were advises given to the MARF/Public/Policy makers by veterinarians concerning the control of PPR in the the study area. It can be concluded that sheep owners and herders have little knowledge about the benefits of vaccination but have a good knowledge of patterns of PPR. Extension and communication programs should be started to enable sheep and other livestock owners to understand the importance of vaccination in control and eradication of PPR.