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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-02
Assessments of the Relationship between Effective leaf area, Yield Components and Protein Content in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under Water Stress Conditions at Eastern Sudan
Badr ELdin Abdelgadir Mohamad Ahmed, Faisal Elgasim Ahmed ,Hanadi Ibrahim ElDessougi
Published: Feb. 28, 2016 | 255 148
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2016.v03i02.014
Pages: 155-159
A field experiment was conducted during 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 seasons to estimate the relationship (at P 0.05 or P 0.01) between effective leaf area index LAI, yield attributing characters and protein content in wheat as affected by water stress, nitrogen and organic manure. Positive significant correlations between plant height, LAI and shoot biomass with number and weight of grains plant-1 and grain yield were found in both seasons. The correlation coefficient values between these traits were more than 0.80. The results of regression analysis indicated that linear model gave the best fit for regression of grain weight plant-1 and LAI for grain yield in both seasons. The higher determination coefficients (R2 =0.87 and 0.88 ) indicating that more than 87% of total variations of grain yield can be attributed to variation of grain weight per plant, LAI, number of grains spike-1, harvest index and plant height of the analyzed wheat crop. These results suggest that LAI (until anthesis phase of development) could be used in agricultural models for biomass estimation useful in yield prediction. The significant positive correlations between grain protein content and grain weight per plant, LAI, shoot biomass and spike length indicated their unlimited contribution to total grain yield and protein content.