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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-03
The Influences of Different Processing Methods after Wheat Harvest on Soil Moisture
Zhang Xiao-Hong, Liu Fei, Zhou Zheng-Xiao, Ding Heng, Zhao Yuan-Feng
Published: March 30, 2016 | 256 174
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2016.v03i03.009
Pages: 207-211
Handlings of stubble in different patterns from the field after wheat harvest have different influences on soil moisture and soil fertility. This paper uses comparison method to study the three modes of high stubble returning by rotary tillage in autumn(MODE1), high stubble crushed straw mulching (MODE2) and high stubble crushed straw and sowing summer maize (MODE3) with their influences on soil moisture content for autumn sowing wheat. According to the results of the soil moisture data obtained through the drying method, in a depth of 100 cm soil body size sorting is MODE1 > MODE2 > MODE3, which means that the fallowed MODE1 was much better than MODE2 for field water retention, but both made the root layer soil reservoir experienced varying degrees of loss caused by a lack of rainfall, and the growth of summer maize exacerbated the consumption of soil water.