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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-03
Presence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in wild boar in southern Brazil
Santos, Laura Maria Jorge de Faria, Farias, Nara Amelia da Rosa, Oliveira, Plínio de Aguiar, Cademartori, Beatris Gonzales, Ramos, Tatiana da Silva, Oliveira, Fernando Caetano, Ruas, Jerônimo Lo
Published: March 30, 2016 | 237 163
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2016.v03i03.014
Pages: 238-241
Previous studies on toxoplasmosis carried out in Brazil have shown that Toxoplasma gondii infections are relatively frequent in domestic animals and man. However, little is known on the impact of toxoplasmosis in wildlife in that country. In this study, presence of Toxoplasma gondii in wild boar in the southern Brazilian State of Rio do Sul was assessed by bioassay. Thirty-four wild boars were killed by hunters and samples of boar tissues (heart and brain) were used to inoculate mice. Later, diverse murine tissue samples were obtained for microscopic diagnosis. Five mice were positive by bioassay (toxoplasmosis prevalence = 14.28 %). Interestingly, Toxoplasma cysts were found in the liver of one mouse. All mice fed with boar tissues remained alive at the end of the experiment, which suggests that Toxoplasma isolates from wild boar were mild pathogens. Nevertheless, infected rodents showed a noticeable immune response, all showing antibody titers of 1:16. The present data suggest that consumption of undercooked wild boar meat or entrils are a potential source of toxoplasmosis for both animal and man in Brazil.