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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-04
Agronomic and biochemical evaluation of some ecotypes of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) walp. (Fabaceae)]Collected in Côte d’Ivoire
Kouassi N’dri Jacob, Ayolié Koutoua, Koko Anauma Casimir, Boyé Mambe Auguste Denise, Seu Jonathan Gogbeu, Tonessia Dolou Charlotte
Published: April 30, 2016 | 223 128
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2016.v03i04.004
Pages: 292-297
This work aims to propose to the peasants producing varieties of seeds, biomass and to determine some physico-chemical characteristics of these seeds. Thirteen agronomic parameters and 8 characters were evaluated. The got results showed an important variability between the ecotypes. The most relevant variables which make it possible to describe variability between the groups are the number of pod, the number of seeds, the weight of the hulls, the biomass, and the rate of filling, the height and the scale. Thus, the varieties N21DR, N10BBrp, N8BRcp, and N18ZRET N9BN produced more seeds whereas the varieties N15ZBoNg and N7BRc produced more air biomass. They can be selected at agronomic ends within the framework of the fertilization of the grounds. The results revealed that the seeds are energy foods, rich in proteins and glucids. On the other hand, they are low in lipids, ashes and have low moisture being able to facilitate their conservation over one relatively long period. The cultivar N1KBN which recorded the highest ash content could be used in the fortification of food. Cultivar white N1KBN recorded the highest content of proteins. Consequently, its seeds could be used to supplement traditional food and to be recommended in the sector of the made up flours. The use of seeds in these fields could contribute to reduce the protein deficits at certain poor populations, in the grip of protein-energy diseases.