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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-04
Incidence of Periparturient Complications in Surti Buffaloes
L. C. Modi, C. T. Khasatiya, M. D. Patel, K. K. Tyagi, Falguni Modi
Published: April 30, 2016 | 222 131
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2016.v03i04.008
Pages: 309-312
Reproductive problems in buffaloes are of significant economic concern in dairy farming. Maximizing reproductive efficiency is the goal in dairy herds for better economics return. So, present work was conducted with an aim to know the incidence of periparturient problems usually found in buffaloes during the transition period. Out of total 99 adult head of Surti buffaloes on the farm, 79 calving were noted which revealed no incidence (0.00 %) of abortion, dystocia, retention of foetal membrane and postpartum genital prolapse, however, prepartum prolapse and still birth were observed in 2 (2.53 %) and 7 (8.86 %) animals, respectively, thus overall periparturient disorders was recorded as 11.39 per cent in Surti buffaloes.