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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-06
Comminuted Displaced Fractures of Surgical Neck of Humerus Treated by PHILOS Plating
Dr. Lionel John, Dr. Mohammed Irshad Basha A, Dr. Vijayanarasimman Reddy
Published: June 24, 2020 | 385 204
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2020.v08i06.026
Pages: 1522-1527
1. In the aged population, fractures of the proximal part of humerus hold the place for highest incidence (63/1000 per year) next to the fractures of the distal radius and hip. Codman classified these fractures based on the mode of injury. Neer proposed a modification of this classification system. Their management remains conservative for the undisplaced ones and surgical treatment for the displaced type because they may lead to complications like malunion, non-union and a bad outcome. Our present study has been conducted prospectively on the patients admitted at our department at Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital, Chennai with fracture of the surgical neck of humerus. These patients were managed by open reduction followed by internal fixation using proximal humerus locking plate (PHILOS plate). The outcome was assessed on the basis of Neer's scoring system. Results were quite promising in our patients thus indicating the proximal humerus locking plate to be a good treatment option.