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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-06
Herd health monitoring of dairy cows with displaced abomasum
Arafat Khalphallah, Enas Elmeligy, Hanan K. Elsayed, Shin Oikawa
Published: June 30, 2016 | 236 131
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2016.v03i06.001
Pages: 402-406
Displaced abomasum (DA) in dairy cows is a multifactorial disease commonly was diagnosed within the first week postpartum.The purpose was to carry out herd health monitoring of dairy cattle with DA from day 0 until day 30 after operation. The study was conducted on DA cattle (n= 25) belonged to various dairy farms in Hokkaido area, Japan. All DA was surgically corrected. Cows were examined at days 0 (operation), 7 and 30. Appetite score, rumen filling score (RFS), manure digestion score (MDS), manure condition score (MCS) and body condition score (BCS) were examined. Based on blood β-hydroxybutyric acid (BHBA) at day 0, DA cows were classified into three categories; DA only [<1.2 mmol/l], DA with subclinical ketosis (DA SCK) [1.2-2.4 mmol/l] and DA with clinical ketosis (DA CK) [≥2.5 mmol/l]. The clinical findings including temperature, pulse and respiration were within the physiological reference range. Appetite score and ruminal movement were reduced in each DA group at day 0 then they both were improved after the surgical correction of DA. RFS was clearly improved after surgical operation in DA SCK and DA CK at days 7 and 30.MDS was remarkably (P<0.05) improved (Decreased undigested feed particles) in all DA groups particularly in day 30.MCSmean values were significantly increased (became ideal and of good consistency) in the three DA groups at day 30 particularly at DA CK group.In conclusion, 30 day follow up period is enough until the dairy cows be able to restore their soundness and thriftness after DA correction.