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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-02
Endogenous amino acid losses (EAAL) in growing pigs influence on methodology and factors are affecting – A Review
Rab Nawaz Soomro, Junhu Yao, Imtiaz Hussain Raja Abbasi, Mohamed Abdalla Elsiddig Mohamed, Saeed Ahmed Soomro, Bello Musa Bodinga, Xiaojun Yang
Published: Feb. 28, 2017 | 153 128
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2017.v04i02.002
Pages: 35-46
Endogenous amino acid losses (EAAL) in growing piglets are affected by dietary supplementation of ingredients and feed stuffs are observed. In early age of pigs the feeding practices with environmental factors are highly affected on endogenous losses. There are numerous techniques are used to determined actual value of endogenous amino acid production and losses. The nitrogen free diet (NFD), regression, homoarginine, enzyme hydrolyzed casein (EHC) and 15N-isotopes techniques are used to evaluate the endogenous nitrogen losses, but all consequences were little bit adverse so still all methods are not uniform. Whereas methods, but there are several factors are affecting on EAAL in pigs. These factors are including methodological, environmental, feeding and sample collecting in animals. Dietary feed stuff sources are major contributions in endogenous losses such as dry mater intake (DMI), dietary protein, fibers, bacterial microflora and other anti-nutritional factors (ANFs) are increases EAAL. The present review highlights the EAAL by various techniques, factors and procedures to apply for collecting ileal digest and accurate measurement of endogenous losses. There are numerous procedures to collect samples from pigs, by ileorectal anastomosis, slaughter technique, reentrant canulas, simple T canulas, and post valve T caecum canulas. The criticism of in this review, it’s discussed all aspects briefly in young pigs which are affecting on EAAL.