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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-03
Effect of different pretreatment methods and materials on germination potential of Faidherbia albida seeds
Dr. Hakim Araba Ameri , Daldoum M.A. Daldoum
Published: March 30, 2017 | 146 137
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2017.v04i03.001
Pages: 86-90
The study was carried to find out how different pre-germination treatments can facilitate germination of Faidherbia albida. The experiment was conducted in Khartoum Forest Research Seed Centre (FRSC). The Seeds of Faidherbia albida were supplied by the FRSC, from Nuba Mountains collections (Longitude: 24˚ 21ֿ E; Latitude: 12˚ 20ֿ N); in March 2008. The experiments were laid out in completely randomized designs (CRD) with five main Pre germination treatments- untreated seeds (control), treatment with concentrated sulfuric acid (98%) for 30 minutes, nicking by electrical burner, emersion in boiling water for 5 minutes and soaking in hot water- each replicated four times. The germination tests were carried out in the nursery conditions and the germination media were sand, silt, mixture of sand and silt (50% by volume) and enrolled papers. Total of 25 seeds were sown in each soil medium and enrolled papers in March 2008. The total number of the experimental units was 20 with 4 times replications. The number of germinated seeds was counted daily till the end of the monitoring period (30 days). Then the germination percentage was calculated in each media. The result of the experiment shows that: In enrolled paper medium there were no significant differences in seed germination of F. albida by different pretreatments. The highest value of seed germination was recorded for seeds treated with sulfuric acid (26%) and the lowest value was recorded in untreated seeds (21%). I sand medium there were significant differences in seed germination of F. albida between seeds soaked in hot water and the other treatments. There were no significant differences in seed germination between the other four treatments. The highest value of seed germination was recorded for seeds treated with concentrated sulfuric acid (33%) and lowest value was recorded for seeds soaked in hot water (4%). In silt medium there were significant differences for seed germination of F. albida between untreated